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Schools & Programs

Seat Time Recovery


If you need to sign up your student for tutoring please visit the Academic Overtime page.

Rollings will offer students the ability to participate in Seat Time Recovery on Tuesdays & Thursdays from (MORNING SESSION) 8:15-9:15 am and (AFTERNOON SESSION) from 4-5 pm, and Wednesdays (MORNING SESSION ONLY) from 8:15-9:15 am.  Students MUST be registered in advance.   More dates WILL be added.

PLEASE NOTE:  One SESSION equals one HOUR.  

According to South Carolina state law regarding school attendance, students may be denied credit for:

  • Any absence in excess of 10 days for a course meeting 180 days (meets daily year-long),
  • Any absence in excess of 5 days for a course meeting 90 days (semester or year-long A/B), or
  • Any absence in excess of 3 days for a course meeting 45 days (meets daily for a quarter).

Students may make up missed class time by participating in Seat Time Recovery (STR). Students are expected to complete assignments during this time. If STR is not completed, then a grade of FA (Failure due to Absences) is assigned regardless of the grade in the course. It will carry no earned points; however, it will be factored into the student’s GPA as a 50. The student may need to retake the course to attempt and receive credit.

PLEASE SIGN UP BELOW IF YOUR STUDENT WILL PARTICIPATE IN SEAT TIME RECOVERY.  Registration will close on Monday nights at 10 pm prior to that week's STR schedule.