RMSA Athletics
Please check back for more information on these sports.
Planet High School Instructions
Download Physical Evaluation Form (PDF)
To participate in athletics for the 2024-2025 school year all athletes must have a physical history form, physical exam form, parent permission form, and concussion form dated on or after April 1, 2024, as well as the athlete’s birth certificate uploaded on www.planeths.com. Athletes may not participate in conditioning or tryouts until all documentation is received.
RMSA must be the home school! Paper copies of physicals, birth certificates, etc. will NOT be accepted. EVERYTHING must be submitted electronically, per the instructions below.
How to create an account on Planet HS:
- Athletes and parents must create an account at www.planeths.com. Be sure to enter the correct graduation year. If you are a RETURNING ATHLETE AND FORGOT YOUR LOGIN, DO NOT CREATE A NEW ACCOUNT! Please call the Athletics Office at 843-695-4900 x52062 and ask to help get your account reset.
- Enter the requested information and click “Create account”. A “Guide Me” box will appear and help you link the student and parent accounts. The parent will receive a notification and a link to Planet High School to create an account which will link to the student’s account. The parent must also create an account to sign and submit forms. Forms will not be complete until both the parent and the student have clicked on the “sign & submit” button.
- Select the “Athletic Forms” button. Then select all sports you may be interested in participating. If you are a middle school student and may be participating in middle school and high school teams, you’ll also need to add “additional school” and add your assigned high school. Middle School students must also provide a copy of their most recent report card to the high school coach in order to confirm high school zoning.
- At the very bottom are 7 links to forms that must be completed and approved:
- ELECTRONIC HISTORY FORM (Pre-Participation Physical Evaluation – HISTORY FORM) - You can complete all questions on the online electronic form and hit “sign & submit”.
- NEW 2019 PRE-PARTICIPATION PHYSICAL EVALUATION – PHYSICAL FORM (PRINT PAPER COPY AND BRING TO PHYSICIAN) – This must be completed and clearly signed and dated by the Physician. Be sure that the physician’s, address, phone, signature, AND date are at the bottom and the athlete’s name and birth date are at the top. Take a photo of this page separately then upload it to your Planet HS page. Once uploaded, hit “sign & submit”.
- BIRTH CERTIFICATE - Upload a photo or scan of the student’s birth certificate then hit “sign & submit”. If you had a previous account, you’ll have the option here to “re-use document”, which will pull the previously uploaded birth certificate you submitted.
- ELECTRONIC CONCUSSION AND STUDENT ATHLETES - After the online statement is read, hit “sign & submit”.
- ELECTRONIC COVID-19 WAIVER – Complete the online form, listing ARHS as the school participating at, then “sign & submit”.
- OVERNIGHT TRIP HEALTH FORM - Complete the online form then “sign & submit."